Smile A DaySheila Guo

Make Do

Smile A DaySheila Guo
Make Do


"I grew up not seeing a great represetation myself around me. Now, leaving a world where you may be in place you do not see yourself – if I can open a book, look through Instragram, or online and see that there are people who believe in what I believe in and look the way I look then, it doesn't matter, it doesn't affect me as much when I'm feel isolated, or when I'm the minority in the room, or when I may not fit in – it makes me more comfortable to be myself. Giving that same gift to other people makes me happy." #SmileADay



"When I get up, at 9am specifically, and go to the gym, go to the grocery store. When I'm able to buy my own grocery and I know that I've paid for that gym membership. When I have the freedom, during the day, to do those things, then get home, sit, and realize all of that – that makes me happy. It's not that having money makes me happy, or going to the gym makes me happy. It's the freedom. I'm intentionally doing those things and I can say "Yes" or "No" – that makes me really happy." #SmileADay



"Seeing the faces of my younger siblings when I make them a visit back home (STL) makes me happy. All of their love, their unlimited love — I love it." #SmileADay



"Being still makes me happy. When I'm still, I'm able to connect with myself and gather my thoughts. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I can even push out all of the thoughts in my head and be completely present in that moment. It's a rare thing, especially in this day and age, with all the instantaneousness, the 24/7 media, feedback loops, social media and all of it — to have a moment of stillness. That makes me really happy."#SmileADay 



"Making other people happy makes me happy. There is something about feelings someone else happiness — it's contagious." #SmileADay